Counselling and Coaching with Bill

1-2-1 Counselling

Sometimes we can feel a bit lost or stuck.

Change maybe the only constant in life but when it arrives we can feel bewildered or it can bring up fear or loss.

When anxiety and depression visit, it can be difficult to make sense of what is going on, what to do or when to do it.

Perhaps finding peace of mind might seem like an impossibility.

I can help.

I’ve spent a lot of time learning how to develop connections and offer gentle support to enable clients to explore and unravel what is troubling.

Combining person-centred therapy and compassion therapy, I offer a unique counselling approach.

I provide one-to-one counselling for adults face-2-face, such as walk n talk in a natural setting or

in counselling rooms in Dunfermline.

I also provide telephone and via Zoom counselling.

Contact me now to arrange a chat


Whether it is a job interview, developing a new or existing project or just feeling stuck: 1-to-1 coaching can help to bring the clarity you need.

I’m lucky enough to have spent seven years coaching people that needed the support

to become the manager they wanted to be, over-come imposter syndrome, make the shift to senior management or articulate a plan for their peers.

I’ve also helped people make sense of what they want to do next after a career break due to illness or sabbatical.

I provide one-to-one coaching for adults face-2-face, telephone and via Zoom.

You can contact me here to talk about coaching

Counselling and Coaching Details

Cost: £60.00 per session

Each session is approximately 1 hour long

What to expect

After an initial chat about what you are hoping to get from working together, we can tailor the sessions to your needs.

You might want to just talk to someone that is really listening to you.

You might want to be taught techniques and attitudes for working with your mind, emotions and body.

There is plenty of opportunity to talk about what you need.

I have a lot of experience of meeting people where they are in that moment, and working with them to alleviate suffering.

There is no set number of sessions for clients, but it is normal to review how things are going week-to-week but specifically  after 8 sessions.



I am very happy to work with you face-to-face or via zoom if that works for you.

  I often meet clients at Pittencrieff Park, Dunfermline for an hour. Clients appreciate the space and fresh air to work together.

 I can also offer you 1-2-1 sessions in the comfort of counselling room in Dunfermline if that feels more appropriate.

I also have clients that I see solely via Zoom or a blend of in person and Zoom.

If you decide that you would like to proceed, we can discuss how that might look. We could organise an introductory meeting at a date and time that suits us both.

I am fairly flexible during the day, and to some degree in the evenings.  My last appointment of the day is 6.00 -7.00 pm.


Question: What have you learned from the sessions?

This has been life changing

Young Woman February 2022

Bill has helped me to go from hardly being able to leave the house to now starting back in a busy work environment

Young Woman February 2022

” To learn to feel safe within myself. To learn to look after myself and to accept myself with all the emotions that come with this. To know that I can keep myself feeling safe! That it is not about fixing myself or getting there but about listening to my emotions (instead of pushing them down/ making them stronger). Knowing that I have a choice, I am not at the mercy of my thoughts, urges, fears etc. That it is about celebrating when I notice realisations and observations about patterns, the way my mind influences my choices. That it is about meeting myself with gentleness, kindness and understanding"

Young WomanAugust 2021

"I learned that I can look after myself and experience love and acceptance. I don’t need to cling to others, perform for others or please others to have these needs met. Others have commented on how much more I look into the world with positivity and possibility. I am excited about meeting life".

Young Woman2021

” I would highly recommend one-2-one sessions with Bill … At school it has made me feel more relaxed, less stressed, with my family it has made me feel less worried,”

Young PersonAugust 2020

“This course has made life calmer and clearer … Less stressed out/not angry/but kinder/less emotional all the time I can appreciate things and enjoy each moment I am in”

Young person2020

“Bill taught me more than I thought I was ever capable of achieving […]

"I have been more open with my family and friends and found it easier to speak to them about my feelings and thoughts”.

I have learnt to believe in myself more and not to put myself down like I have so much in the past […]

“I honestly can’t thank you enough for the help and support that you have provided during the mindfulness course. I was a little pessimistic at the beginning to be honest. However, I can honestly say that out of everything that I have tried over the years this course has been the first thing that I have genuinely felt has made a difference and can physically feel a benefit from. I will continue to use the exercises and techniques learnt and I hope to continue to feel the benefit of it”

Young WomanDec 2017

“I learned that it is ok to feel the way that I am feeling, I don’t need to try and analyse it or find a reason as to why I am feeling that way. I can just acknowledge the feeling and move on. The feeling does not define me or make me who I am … Bill was compassionate, empathetic, warm, open all the things required to put me at ease in order to fully open up and participate in the course in order to make it beneficial to me”

“That I need not be slave to my emotions. That I am capable of controlling my feelings through a heightened understanding of them.
Bill has been a mentor and a friend who had enabled me to take charge of my life and my feelings and I can’t thank him enough”.

Young ManAged 22, August 2020

I would like to thank you for everything , I now feel a better person and my mind is a lot more peaceful than it was at the start of the sessions I hope to use everything that you have taught me and make good use of it for the future (55 year old male 2021)

These 1-2-1 meetings are held at the Fire Station Creative or via a socially distanced walk and chat in Pittencrieff Park 

1-2-1 also available via Zoom

Please contact us for more details